Experts have predicted employee shortages for years, but they did not factor in the acceleration of these shortages by COVID-related issues. The result? It’s a job-seekers market. You can’t lose! If you are considering finding new employment, NOW is your best chance ever to land the job YOU want. Why? Job openings are at an…

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6 Easy Steps to Find Your New Job

Follow these “Six Easy Steps” and your first job offer will soon be coming your way. Take a short break. After a while of being unemployed, it can be depressing. Relax a bit, recharge, and change your mindset. Rethink your criteria, expand your horizons, and plan your search. Work your search like it’s a 40-hour-a-week…

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Send Us Your Resume. Yeah, Right!

This may be the biggest “Blow-off” ever, or is it?  Everyone who has ever looked for a job shares this feeling.  The preverbal black hole. However, you can improve your results if you understand its inner workings. Stand-out with a powerful subject line.  Give recruiters a reason to open your email while skipping over other…

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