Send Us Your Resume. Yeah, Right!
This may be the biggest “Blow-off” ever, or is it? Everyone who has ever looked for a job shares this feeling. The preverbal black hole. However, you can improve your results if you understand its inner workings. Stand-out with a powerful subject line. Give recruiters a reason to open your email while skipping over other…
Read MoreIs Hiring More Remote Workers a Good Thing?
Companies are three times more willing to hire remote workers. It is a good thing? With the trend of more companies hiring remote workers, many employees are thrilled. However, it is not all good. While 36% percent say they are willing to hire 100% remote workers, they don’t care from where around the globe. That’s…
Read MoreEMAILS – Friend or Foe
Remember snail mail, slow and expensive? Next, we had faxes. Fast, reliable, but still a two-step operation. Then came email. Not only cheap, but fast, easy, and could be done from your desk! What could go wrong? Plenty. Email made its impact felt in both our personal and business life. However, it is just black…
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