Job Seekers – How to be a Winner!

Here’s a list of useful training webinars that can be found under the Search & Connect section of our Personal Career Portal under the Job Search Solutions tab. You may listen to these at your convenience. It’s a free service to job seekers.

  • Why Should Someone Hire you?
  • Make Every Move In Your Search Count
  • Organize Your Search So Things Don’t Slip Through the Cracks
  • Timing Is Everything
  • Put Velocity Behind Your Job Search
  • How to Handle Problem Areas
  • Ten Most Common Job Seeker Mistakes
  • The Biggest Loser
  • No One is Hiring – Now What?
  • Crush Your Competition

You can find these and more free job seeker resources once in the portal. Click on Personal Career Portal, login or register.  You can click on Webinars for titles and link information, browse the library, or look at many other features that will propel you ahead of your job hunting competition.


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