Improving Your Networking Skills
Want to improve your networking skills? It is important to learn how to work a room or event. Each time you find yourself in a group setting, there are endless networking opportunities. Here is how:
Question: HOW TO I APPROACH PEOPLE? Answer: Approach people standing alone or in a smaller group. Introduce yourself. This is expected at events. Comment on something you heard them talking about or you think you have in common.
Question: HOW DO I BECOME MEMORABLE? Answer: It’s important to be lighthearted, fun and share interesting stories. You should be energetic, a great listener and engaging.
Question: HOW CAN I BE MORE SELF-CONFIDENT? Answer: Your self-confidence will increase if you feel you have prepared. Read the paper, magazines, or trade publications to prepare in advance three to five stories, news comments or questions you might ask to start conversations or keep them going. The more you practice having casual conversations, the more confident you will become.
Question: HOW DO I MOVE FROM SMALL TALK? Answer: Small talk is how you begin to develop rapport and is most important in networking. The more you get the other person to talk about them self, they more they will like you, and be more apt to add you to their network when the conversation turns to more serious topics.
Question: WHAT IS THE BEST WAY TO GET A BUSINESS CARD? Answer: Offer your business card and then ask “Do you have a card?” If you are a full time job seeker your card should list your contact information on the front and list facts on the back about your experience and accomplishments.
Networking is no different than any skills. You will learn how to work a room and become a great networker with practice.